Neo Modernism

This strand of architcture got a lot of support in the 1980s in the Netherlands. It reaches back to the straight lines advocated by functionalism from Het vooral om de vormen. De neomodernisten vonden vooral opdrachten in de sociale woningbouw, stadsvernieuwing enthe 1930s and the post war period. But the functionlalist philosophy is less strictly adhered to. It is more about form. Neomodernist get their commissions mostly from social housing corporations and for new suburbs.   They have a preference for more or less straight blocks and  "urban villa's", residential buildings of 4 storeys high. From the 1990s onwards neomodernist work becomes less introvert. It takes on a broad variety of forms, materials and coulours. 

Agencies like Mecanoo (Hillekop, Kruisplein, Parkhotel, Tiendplein) and DKV (Agnieseplein, Tweebos Dwars) have seen quite of number of projects built in Rotterdam .
